Homework tasks vary depending on the student's school phase but can include written work, research, project work, reading, learning work and revision.

Lower Phase | Reception to Year 2

What is the VLE?

BSK uses a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which gives students and parents access online to educational materials and interactive activities. The Primary Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) helps provide those parents with children in the Primary Phase of the School with suitable tools and resources to support their children at home. 

The VLE enables us to share information with parents about school events, to outline the learning taking place each week, to provide parental supportive resources and materials that students can use at home to consolidate and extend their learning independently.

Why should we use the VLE? 

During a week in school many areas of the curriculum are covered. The VLE gives children the opportunity to follow up their learning by identifying areas that they would like to work on for self-improvement or out of curiosity and interest. 

Each week a range of specific/relevant activities will be released that will enable children to continue their learning at home, consolidating and reinforcing new skills and concepts or challenging themselves to build on developing skills and extend themselves further.

How should the VLE be used?

Every Sunday the learning objectives will be updated and relevant activities displayed. 

Talk with your child about what they have enjoyed learning in the week and where they need further practice and then together select one or two activities to do. 

We do not expect all of the suggested activities on the VLE to be completed.

Junior Phase (Year 3 to Year 5)

Doing homework helps students to practise their skills and shows them how to learn even more. It teaches them to work by themselves and to remember things on their own. The older they get the more they will need to find things out for themselves so we’re also helping you grow up. Junior Phase students are encouraged to their families their homework and to ask for help if you need it. 

Parents, if your child is really stuck and has tried everything with a piece of homework then you should write a note in the planner or send an email to the teacher about it so that the teacher can help your child the next day. We know our parents are very willing to help with their children’s education and only require the tools to do so. Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) has the following sections to help parents support their children in their studies:

Secondary Phases (Years 6 to 13)

Year Group Homework arrangement Homework per evening Expected time for each homework Total expected time per weekday
Year 6 Homework timetable 1 30 minutes 30 minutes
Year 7 Homework timetable 3 or 4 30 minutes 2 hours
Year 8 Homework timetable 3 or 4 30 minutes 2 hours
Year 9 Set every lesson* 4 or 5 30 minutes 2 hours
Year 10 Set every lesson* 4 or 5 30-40 minutes 2½ hours
Year 11 Set every lesson* 4 or 5 30-40 minutes 2½ hours
Year 12 Set every lesson* 3 or 4 45-60 minutes 3 hours
Year 13 Set every lesson* 3 or 4 45-60 minutes 3 hours

*Higher Phase teachers may wish to combine shorter homeworks. For example, in Year 10, a subject that meets twice weekly will set homework which is expected to take a total of 60-80 minutes per week. This may be one long homework, with none set for the other lesson, or two shorter homeworks: one for each of the two lessons.

Further details regarding homework in the Middle and Higher phases of the school can be found in the relevant student planners. 


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