Lower and Junior Phases (Reception - Year 5)
Our target for attendance levels from Years 1-5 is 95%. The Reception Year’s target is 90%.
Our target for lateness is that it should not constitute more than 1% of our daily register.
Late students miss out on vital learning, especially phonics teaching, the backbone of language acquisition which is conducted in the first session of the day. Late students also interrupt the learning of other students, thus the school has an obligation to all children to insist on punctual attendance.
The school has several procedures in place to contact the parents of students whose attendance or punctuality give rise to concern. This includes notification being sent to the Ministry of Education should students' unauthorised absence reach 5 occasions in a year. Subsequent letters are sent at 10 and 15 days unauthorised absence.
Students who are registered as late on 5 or more occasions in a term receive official notification of our concern from the school, with further letters at 10 and 15 instances of lateness in a term. At 20 instances of lateness in a single term a meeting is held for parents with the Head Teacher to address the matter.
As part of our emphasis on high attendance we acknowledge those students who attend school every day of a term. The Head Teacher sends these students a congratulatory letter to mark their achievement.