Year 5
Our Year 5 students are the eldest students in our Phase and are responsible for being role models to our younger students and to consistently demonstrate our School Values. Children in Year 5 are expected to show greater independence in preparation for life in the Middle Phase.
The subject of Social Studies is introduced in Year 5, when children use iPads to learn about Kuwait and the Middle East. Students enjoy their school trips enriching their knowledge about Kuwait and its history.
Save Planet Earth, Living things, Victorians, Extreme Earth, Forces and Space and Aztecs are topics covered in Year 5. Two key highlights of these topics are when students work collaboratively to create a volcano and watch it erupt. Furthermore, the infamous Victorian Day to celebrate our Victorian topic provides our students with a real life experience of what a Victorian School day would have been like.
Our Year 5 students further develop their love for reading through exploring the class novels of Kensuke’s Kingdom, Street Child and Runaway Robot. In maths, students deepen their understanding of key topics through a variety of stretch and challenge activities.
Students participate in Physical Education lessons that link with the Kuwait Foreign Schools Association Competitions (KFSAC), including football, basketball, bench ball, swimming and general fitness. Extra-curricular sporting activities include training for competitions against other schools in Kuwait.