Students in the Lower and Junior Phases must bring a healthy snack each day and everyone is encouraged to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. Healthy snacks include fruit, salad and salad sandwiches, wraps or rolls, yoghurt and good quality muesli bars.
Unhealthy snacks, such as crisps, chocolate, chocolate biscuits, fast food burgers and fries are not acceptable as part of our children’s snack bag and will be returned home. This will be done in a discreet manner which will not cause embarrassment to any child. Staff do have fruit available for students who would otherwise have no snack.
Our School Nurses conduct assemblies that deal with teeth, weight and hygiene, as well as how to be sun smart, fit and active. We also address road safety issues such as seat belts and crossing the road. Internet safety is also addressed at an age-appropriate level.