Both the sea and the desert provide opportunities for leisure, sport and adventure. People who move to Kuwait can take advantage of the superb facilities offered by clubs at the many five-star hotels. Team sport activities for adults include football, rugby and cricket, available within BSK and outside. Individual sports include golf, with two excellent grass and two sand courses. There are opportunities to join organised cycling and jogging groups and horse riding. Scuba diving, jet-skiing and sailing are also available. Amateur dramatics and music groups are popular and provide opportunities to socialise with new people.
Eating out is a normal part of life in Kuwait. With such a diverse range of nationalities in the population it is no surprise that cuisine from every corner of the world is represented. The sheer number of restaurants of varying prices is astounding and the level of service is constantly excellent.
The combination of frequent long holidays, allied with Kuwait’s geographical location, makes foreign travel very popular. Some of our staff’s favourite destinations include India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Philippines. More locally, Egypt, Oman, the UAE and Georgia remain popular choices.